Firstly (as opposed to first of all) let me tell you that I ended the day by thanking the children for making my first week at Cedar Grove such a personally satisfying one. Having a chance to see them work in class and play outside in such positive ways is greatly satisfying. That's not to say there are not the little things that go on that are less than positive, but, hey, that is what growing up is all about and getting an opportunity to work on socially responsible activity is just as important as learning the ABCs.
As it happens on Tuesdays and Fridays, one of the moms came to the school to meet the girls who want to grow their skills at volleyball. I think it is great that she does that at 0730 in the morning for the girls.
There are many parents and grand parents who volunteer their time to help make Cedar Grove a great place. Today was popcorn day ... and did you know that thanks to the parent volunteers working with that program, the children are now getting good, organic pop corn. My grand daughter shared some of her bag with me and it really tastes great.
Another volunteer happening was in Ms. Morris' K/1 class. As the children study apples (the letter A), and learn about their growth in nature, and study some math by counting and weighing, they also had a chance today to make and drink some unbelievably tasty apple juice.
This photo would be totally foreign to many students in the province. The children had eaten their lunches in the classroom and had headed out to play. Some of them ran to tell me that a tree had fallen down and some deer were having their own lunch break eating the leaves. The children were wonderful, enjoying their curiosity from a reasonable distance not only to be safe, but to all the three deer a chance to enjoy their snack at peace.

Learning to story-tell is an important skill and when students combine story telling with art it can be a neat experience. Students in Ms. McAllister's class have been working on colouring pictures leading in to writing a story following the sequencing of the artwork.
One of the girls wanted to share her story with me ... I haven't been able yet to figure out how to get the sound byte into this blog and my wife just called me away from the computer. I'll figure it out!
Have a great weekend!
Saturday, October 15... okay, I found it.
Blogger doesn't offer hosting services for audio files at this time; so I have spent a little time reviewing my old knowledge of HTML to create a way to have it here. Enjoy!