I did want to share a couple of things tonight and I will write again tomorrow... The first thing is that I hope you take an opportunity to vote tomorrow. I has always been a concern of mine that School Board elections don't seem to get much press leading into the event when it is a fact that the School Board members manage a budget of 35 million dollars and our school district is one of the largest employers on the Sunshine Coast with over 400 employees and over 3,000 children in public school. While they may not have much of a say about bargaining - the results of which take up about 85% of that budget, the do have a lot to say about programming and directions the district will go. And that is big thinking. So please, most of you are area 2 voters and you have some significant choices to make.
The Coast News does have a brief summary of the all candidates meeting earlier this week and I urge you to look at their report.
One of the things they spoke about was technology and you can probably guess that this is one of my issues as well.
I enjoyed watching a couple of presentations by the grade 7 students today about things they have learned and researched in Social Studies.
The students did an oral presentation and used images which they had from books or which they had hand drawn and showed using the class projector and the document cameras. These tools simply support the work that they have done. Good stuff, and a big thank you to the PAC for having these technology tools as part of last year's fund raising goal.

So, until tomorrow when I hopefully find my camera!
Once again... please vote on Saturday.
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