
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Good goings on

I guess that title might not be the best gramatically, but it does describe much of today. I had to be away this after for a meeting with other administrators in the district, so I got as much out of the morning as possible with the students and teachers.

One of the things that happens on an occasional basis, and I have noted it before, is the buddy programmes where older students work with younger students.

After recess the intermediate students "platoon" for math. That means the math instruction is not necessarily taught by their regular classroom teacher, instead they will move to be in a more homogeneous group for instruction.
Every so often the older students will take their skills into a primary class to work with the teacher there. Today, it happened with Ms. Webb's class and her little ones. The older students have a chance to model and today's work was with cuisenaire rods and other counting/grouping manipulatives. Although it was very "busy" in the class at the time I was visiting, I could sense that the older children were really enjoying working with the younger ones.

It was an outside day today despite the bit of drizzle and these students wanted me to take a photo of their solution for keeping the dampness off their heads. Sometimes our students can be so creative.

I sent home an email invitation to you today to attend, if you wish, our Remembrance Day assembly tomorrow at 11:00. We will begin with Oh! Canada from our Grade 7 band and hear a poetry recitation from Mr. Williams class. One of our Grade 7 boys will play Taps as well. I hope our guests from the Legion feel the respect we have for them and their contributions to get us as a Nation to the place we are today.

Finally, please remember there is no school on Friday and when we come back on Monday, the photo company will be here to take retakes for those wishing them.

Until tomorrow...

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