
Friday, November 4, 2011

Lots of variety

It was a cold start to the day. I opened the school for the volleyball girls and commented to their coach how thick the frost was on the roof of her car. We both were of the opinion that despite the weather forecast for the day being for rain, it was going to be a dry, cool day, and it was. Before school a good number of the children had a great time going down the slides that were coated with frost.

I do supervision for a number of classes during the lunch break while the students are eating their lunches and am impressed by the number of students who bring such healthy lunches to the school.

One thing I mentioned to some staff today was my belief that eating lunch should be the LAST part of the lunch hour. I had this schedule for my years here before and I know it changed back to the norm after I left for my district position. If you look at some of the research it supports children going out to play after being in class working and then coming in to eat prior to the afternoon classes. Some of you may wish to look into that. Some research shows improvements in playground behaviours that go along with the health benefits of setting the schedule to learn, play (recess), learn, play (lunch), eat, learn...

Today was a day for school based team meetings and Individual Education Plan (IEP) meetings and I was involved in some and spent time in classes for others so the teachers could attend. Mr. Pond has much better art classes for his children than I ever did when I was a teacher and today I spent time in the class as the grade fours started to work on their ocean mosaics. It will be interesting to see these projects develop to completion. Nicely done!

I am away at a district Health and Safety meeting on Monday and Mr. Williams will be in charge for the day.

Have a great weekend!

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