I was in Ms. Kennedy's class today, more about that lesson later, when I overheard her talking to the children about Movember and having a Movember Friday. It was a great idea that they had about putting on the 'stache on Friday, boys and girls, to show their understanding of what Movember is all about. Of course I asked if I could borrow the idea and run it past the other intermediate students and they wholeheartedly agreed. After visiting the other classes from Grade 4 to 7 and explaining and answering questions about the rationale behind Movember, we are now having a Movember Friday ... yes, this Friday. Students will be looking for make-up, costume accessories ... anything to put on a fake mustache to get in the mood. This is NOT a fund raiser; no money collected, just a bit of fun.

Thanks to this blog, I learned something today and sat in on a lesson to confirm what I learned. You may recall the other day when I wrote about being in Ms. McAllister's class with Mr. Bocking and the students were telling him about their field trip up Grouse Mountain. In the blog, I referred to the students having done a mind map about their trip.
Ms. Kennedy read the blog and since she is teaching the
mind map concept to her class right now, she brought to my attention that what I saw the other day was webbing and that if I wanted to sit in on a lesson this morning I could discover the difference.
The primary differences are that webbing is primarily text and connecting lines that web from a central idea. The mind map uses text and lines, but also colour and icon graphics. The text in the mind map also gets smaller the further it gets from the main idea. Subtle differences, I know, but a different degree of complexity. Mind maps are a stage above webbing, but both are graphical organizers.
At least I think that is what I learned.
Attention shoppers! Today was the first day of the book fair in the Library and it was a great success for the children as much as the adult customers. I had to laugh with these students about their exploration of the Adult Bestsellers - Christmas presents?
Thanks so much to our PAC who had a good number of volunteers there for the lunch and after school sessions. The doors will be open again tomorrow for the primary students at lunch and throughout and after parent conferences. Thanks, too, to the grade 7 helpers at the cash counter.
Please do remember we dismiss an hour early tomorrow.

A good deal of cash changed hands. If you do send your children with money please talk with them about the need to care for it and not leave it unattended.
As well today there were some students wanting to "borrow money". This something I do not want to encourage by any means.
Finally ... I hope to see you at the PAC meeting Wednesday night, 7 pm. I don't expect the meeting will be in the library, and baby sitting is provided.
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